
Guess Shirt made for Sojourn in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October its the month when if you are lucky, you can spot someone wearing a little purple ribbon pinned to their shirts as a reminder of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Well this October Ella Marciano, daughter of Guess CEO Paul Marciano went a step further by creating a stylish Guess shirt called the "Love Tank" as a way to stand against domestic violence.

Ella became aware of Sojourn services through a dear family friend Vanessa Marcil, and after learning more about Domestic Violence, Ella was convinced she wanted to make a difference!
As they decided to join forces, Marcil shared "I have been involved with Sojourn for years, so it is a very special project for us," Soaps In Depth.

Ella chose the words "hope," "love," "courage," "strength," "community" and "empower" that create a heart shape on the front of the shirt in purple, which is the official color of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

"I thought a heart would be perfect because it symbolizes love, which is such a powerful word," Ella said.

The Sojourn Guess Tank is $24 and will debut Oct. 14th at a launch party at GUESS' Hollywood. With 100% of the proceeds going to Sojourn Services For Battered Women And Their Children we want to encourage everyone to check it out
